Climate Change Econometrics and Fisheries - Natural Resources

Management Solutions sponsored the “Climate Change Econometrics and Fisheries - Natural Resource” conference organized by Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICAI-ICADE, which brought together academics from different fields of expertise, representatives from the business world and regulatory authorities with the aim of providing answers to current issues relating to the scarcity of resources and to global warming

The conference dealt with topics relating to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 14, 15, 16) promoted by the United Nations and brought together several experts on the subject, such as Mr. Christopher L. Gilbert (SAIS Bologna Center, Johns Hopkins University) or Mr. Eduardo Schwartz (Distinguished Research Professor at UCLA and Ryan Beedie Chair in Finance SFU), in addition to renowned professors in the area of resources and econometrics such as Ms. Maria José Gutierrez (UPV-EHU University of the Basque Country), who reviewed the consequences of the shortage in some natural resources for economic sectors such as fishing and mining.

With this new sponsorship, Management Solutions, a member of the United Nations Global Compact, once again demonstrates its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility, both in the performance of its activity and in the promotion of responsible initiatives aligned with SDGs and Global Compact principles.

Climate Change Econometrics and Fisheries - Natural Resources