Webinar: "Adapting to IFRS 17 requirements in the Chilean insurance market"

Management Solutions organized a virtual seminar with the aim of sharing the implications of IFRS 17 with the Chilean insurance market, represented by more than 125 people from 20 insurance companies

Following the publication of the draft IFRS 17 directive by the Financial Markets Commission (FMC), Management Solutions organized a webinar to share insights on IFRS17 requirements and implementation implications, as well as on the main differences and specificities with respect to the IASB standards. The seminar was also attended by IFRS 17 managers from Zurich Spain and Vida Caixa, who shared their experience of the European adaptation process.

​This event is part of a series of webinars that the Firm is organizing with the insurance sector to address different current national or international issues. 

Webinar: "Adapting to IFRS 17 requirements in the Chilean insurance market"