MS hosted a Net Zero Blended Finance Roundtable in London

The event, organized in collaboration with UK Finance, HM Treasury and the UK Government's Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, aimed to understand the banking industry's position on blended finance as a catalyst for the transition to a net zero economy

Management Solutions moderated the session, which featured representatives from more than ten leading financial institutions in the banking industry who shared their thoughts on the use of blended finance as a catalyst for the transition to a net zero economy, as it will drive capital towards sustainable investments in a collaborative effort between the public and private sectors.

The event took place following the publication of UK Finance's paper "Mobilising Capital for the Net Zero Transition" co-authored with Management Solutions, which outlines the banking sector´s challenges and requests to the UK government in the form of short, medium and long term recommendations to mobilize capital in the country to achieve net zero emissions.

Management Solutions celebra en Londres una mesa redonda sobre Net Zero Blended Finance