MS participated in the closing ceremony of the Talent Tour of the Princess of Girona Foundation
During the event, presided over by H.M. King Felipe VI and attended by a delegation from the company led by Alfonso Serrano-Suñer, Chairman of Management Solutions, the International CreaEmpresa and Research Awards were presented to two young people from Guatemala and Argentina and the Talent Tour 2024, which for five months has promoted closer links between students and the labour market and employment, came to an end
After the Lleida, Salamanca, Cádiz and Santander stages, the Talent Tour, organized by the Princess of Girona Foundation (FPdGi), concluded its 2024 activities with an event held in Madrid to announce the winners of the FPdGi International Awards, which this year focused on young Latin American talent. The event was presided over by H.M. King Felipe VI and was attended by Alfonso Serrano-Suñer, Chairman of Management Solutions, and some of the Firm's partners, as well as some of our Mexican, Argentinean, Colombian and Venezuelan professionals representing Management Solutions' young Latin American talent.
The FPdGi is a private foundation created by civil society in Girona in 2009, driven by nearly 90 high-level trustees, which aims to be a national benchmark in supporting young people in their professional and personal development, with a special focus on identifying talented young people who serve as contemporary references for other young people (FPdGi Awards), as well as programs to improve employability ("Talent Rescuers") and the educational transformation of young teachers. Management Solutions joined the FPdGi Board of Trustees in 2023.