New hydrogen business models
The Hydrogen Studies Chair, of which Management Solutions is a founding trustee, will analyze on January 26 the new business models and the economic, political, regulatory and social challenges of this energy vector in an event broadcast via streaming
The Hydrogen Studies Chair aims to serve as a meeting point for all the agents involved in the hydrogen value chain and contribute to the development of the renewable hydrogen sector in Spain by conducting studies, collecting and analyzing data, and organizing events.
The event, first organized by the Hydrogen Studies Chair at Comillas Pontifical University, will bring together experts from Carburos Metálicos, Enagás, Red Eléctrica de España, BBVA, Acerinox, Cepsa, Toyota and Management Solutions, who will analyze new business models associated with hydrogen and the technical, economic, political, regulatory and social barriers to be overcome for its development (event schedule).
To attend the event virtually, which will be held next Tuesday, January 26 at 10 a.m. (GMT+1), prior registration is required.