Key regulations: other
Benchmarks Regulation (BMR)
Scope: EU | Regulator: European Parliament and Council | Industry: Finance | Theme: Indices | Date of publication: 08/06/2016
This Regulation establishes a common framework to ensure the accuracy and integrity of indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts and to measure the performance of investment funds. The Regulation aims to prevent the manipulation of indices, such as Libor and Euribor, by introducing strict governance and control requirements for index administrators. It also promotes transparency and consumer and investor protection by ensuring that benchmarks are reliable and accurately reflect market conditions.
Click here to access the standard
Scope: Global | Regulator: IASB | Industry: Insurance | Theme: Accounting, Disclosure | Date of publication: 01/05/2017
IFRS 17 is an international accounting standard that establishes principles for the measurement, recognition and disclosure of insurance contracts. It aims to provide a clearer and more consistent picture of the financial position of insurers by ensuring that revenues and expenses are recognized when the services are provided. This improves the transparency and comparability of financial statements in the global insurance industry.