First Pan-Hispanic Clear Language Network Convention
Management Solutions has formally joined the Pan-Hispanic Clear Language Network, an initiative promoted by the Royal Spanish Academy, which began its activity with a Convention held in Madrid, the closing ceremony of which was presided over by H.M. King Felipe VI
H.M. King Felipe VI presided over the closing ceremony of the First Convention of the Red Panhispánica de Lenguaje Claro, which served as the network´s official presentation and activation meeting. The event was attended by Mr. Santiago Muñoz Machado, Director of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) and President of the Association of Spanish Language Academies (ASALE), as well as government authorities, academics, personalities and delegates from companies and institutions that are members of the network, such as Management Solutions, represented at the event by Mr. Alfonso Serrano-Suñer, President of Management Solutions, and Mr. Miguel Ángel Poblet, Partner at the Firm.
The Pan-Hispanic Plain Language Network is an initiative of the RAE, with which Management Solutions collaborates through the Pro-RAE Foundation, and has two main objectives: to promote clear and accessible language as a foundation of democratic values and citizenship, and to encourage the commitment of public authorities to ensuring that clear language is used in all areas of public life.

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