"Crime prevention model" conference at the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Mexico

Management Solutions delivered a conference on the Crime Prevention Model at the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Mexico, which was attended by more than 40 companies from different industries in Mexico

The conference, held jointly with the firm Garrigues, illustrated what the Crime Prevention Model is about, its benefits as well as practical implementation, and was attended by 40 companies operating in different industries in the country (banking, energy, telecommunications, construction and manufacturing).

The Crime Prevention Model provides a scheme for detecting legal risks as well as pre-established controls for their prevention and mitigation, and, where appropriate, the identification and correction of gaps in the management of such legal risks. This model also takes into account the latest regulatory changes, both in criminal legislation (mainly at the federal level in Mexico) and in other areas related to each  specific industry, and applies perfectly to companies in all industries.

"Crime prevention model" conference at the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Mexico