Content summary - App

In the Management Solutions Regulatory alerts app you can find the contents organized in the following sections (watch content summary video):

Last regulatory alert

Summaries of documents published by regulators and supervisors at international level (BCBS, FSB, etc.), and European level (European Commission, ECB, EBA, etc.) as well as summaries of relevant publications at local level (Spain, USA and UK).

Quarterly regulatory alerts

Collection of regulatory alerts issued in the current quarter. Once the quarter is over, these alerts can be found in the corresponding regulation outlook.

Regulation outlook

This section includes quarterly reports that collect the publication alerts for the relevant quarter and anticipates key regulatory changes for next quarter, for next year and for more than a year. In addition, it is included an annual report that highlights the most relevant standards and rules issued by those financial regulatory bodies monitored during the last year with the aim to provide an overview of the last and most relevant regulatory developments.

Technical notes on regulations

Summaries containing the details and potential impacts of individual regulations. These notes are developed only on regulatory developments that have the biggest impact on the industry. The complete catalog and the downloable documents of the technical notes on regulations released by Management Solutions are available in the MS website.

Main Menu

Access to User menu, Summary of contents, Legal notice and terms of use, Management Solutions website link and other regulatory contents.

Content summary - App